Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Meet my family!

This is my first post here, so I thought it would be good to introduce my family to you.
Currently I have three bunnies, two boys and one girl.
Here they are:

Kani West
Sex: Male
Born: 24.4.2012
Breed: Himalayan
Colour: Chocolate

He was my first bunny of these three. I got him from a breeder who is specialised in raising Himalayan bunnies. He usually acts more like a dog than a bunny. When I enter the room he just runs to me and could lie in his back for hours in my lap. He has been in a bunny show once, and scored 92/100 in PET-class.

 Jänis Joplin
Sex: Female
Born: ?
Breed: Mix
Colour: Isabella scheck

I got her from my local animal shelter. I saw her picture on their website and fell in love instantly!
I went to see her couple of days later and a week later, she moved in with me.
He is about 2 years old, no one really knows her age because she was found abandoned in a cardboard box :( But now she is doing great and has settled in with her new friends. She has been in a bunny show twice. First time she scored 91,5/100 and second time 92,5/100 in PET-class so she has been approving!

Vladimir Puputin
Sex: Male
Born: 8.10.2013
Breed: Miniature Lop
Colour: Rex Egern

Vladimir is the newest addition to my bunny crew. He is also from a breeder. He is just 4 months old and has been living with us for about 2 months. He is a miniature lop with rex fur, which means that he has curly fur, eyelashes and whiskers.
He has the softest fur! He has never been in a bunny show, I was planning to take him last week, but he had an infection in his eye so I had to leave him home.

So Now you have met my family!

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